Monday, September 29, 2008

Better Writer

I think what makes a good writer is someone who can convey their thoughts into something a reader can connect with. That is something i am learning to do, I cannot clearly portray my ideas on paper. I do have many ideas and i think that helps me be a good writer.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Outline of my blogggggg

My first paragraph is going to consist of my thesis and my view on the subject of prescription pills and children.

The body paragraphs will be stating facts and some opinions about the use and misuse of prescription pills on children. Also ill state the affects and problems that occur in children because of this and these problems that roll over into adulthood.

I will conclude the paper on reviewing the facts and my stance.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Something i was wondering about.

well im up pretty early. I was wondering after looking through a few of my fellow classmates' blogs that why don't you guys update your profiles and whatnot. I know most of you have myspaces, so you should put that on your profile. For real, thats a really good way to communicate. So if you read this and you have myspace, let me get that link :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rough Thesis

As problems seem to occur more and more often in children, such as ADD and ADHD, more and more pills are being prescriped. With the hundreds of changes a child goes through as they grow and develop, these pills are actually disabling these children in the long run.

this is very rough, tell me what you think.
comments are greatly appreciated.

Monday, September 15, 2008

My coooool research plan

I will start by searching the Internet on my topic and see what basis i can start on. On the Internet i will use legitimate websites and gain a solid backround. my second place to look would be on the online databases to fill in the details for my paper. The last spot would be to read articles and books on my topic to further my knowledge on my topic. Then i will put my paper together with help with all these sources but first i will brainstorm on paper. brainstorming always seems to help let my paper flow more naturally.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Topics for Research

1. An interesting topic for me is gangs. I think gangs are a big part of society now and they influence a lot now. A good question is how is gang violence affecting families? and what makes a gang such a strong unit?

2. I think prescription pills is a really interesting topic. So many people are taking them for almost everything. Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, just a small number of conditions "treated" by pills.

How is prescription pills affecting child developtment?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Outline for Finding a Good Tattoo Artist

I. Finding a good tattoo artist

A. Seeing examples of the artist's work
1. Recommendations from friends, ie works done on them
B. Tattoo Conventions/ Tattoo shops
1. Talk to people, people usually are proud of their tattoos and will help you
C. Tattoo magazines
1. They have well researched information on many artists
D. Tattoo Websites
E. Just talk to a tattoo artist
1. Get comfortable with the artist, if you cannot communicate with them, they arent for you